Dear Andy Dufresne,
When was the last time a movie completely blew your mind, emotionally and logically? Well as far as I remember, it’s only yours.
We tend to get angry when people correct us for the mistake we commit, but what if we get imprisoned for the crime we didn’t even commit? What if someone steals your basic freedom and darkens the last ray of hope that’s left inside you? Well, never have I never thought of a person who would undergo all these and chooses to smile, until I saw you. You taught us, how to brighten the last ray of hope that exists in us during the hardships. You taught us how to attain salvation that lies inside us. Is there something that you didn’t teach us?
Every man has his breaking point, guess your bar is miles higher than the best. What was the constant thing that went through your head around the closed walls of Shawshank? Just like the beauty of music, no one can get your thought away from you. You showed us how one could crawl through a river of shit and come out clean on the other side. You showed us what patience, determination and hope are all about. Be it providing chill beer to the fellow companions or playing angelic music through the prison speakers or setting up a library for educating the men; all your strength comes from your innocence. They sent you here for her life, but the little did they know was, that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Thank you for the impact you left behind on every person who came close to you. Well, I think that’s the reason why your movie remains the best in the world even after 26 years of its release.

From an ordinary cinema lover to one of the best characters in world cinema.

Thank you Andy.
“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”