Using multilayer screenplay/characterization technique: This kind of screenplay engages the audience, by revealing the story in the form of layers as the story prolongs.

Comedy: Sujeeth(Director) used comedy to set up the expectations of the film low and to create a mood, which portrayed the Raja’s Character to be jovial and friendly.

Misleading the audience: Sujeeth(Director) was really successful in this aspect. The way he convinced the audiences during the interval, that the story starts from the perspective of Priya might be the reason why no one expected the climax twist to be that great.

Parallel Narration: This technique showed the audience that kidnaps were going on, but never really gave a clue why it was connected to the story. This made the audience to hook on to their seats.

Nayeem Characterization: The seriousness and the determination of the character, right from the start of the film to catch the kidnappers left the audiences awestruck when it was revealed that he was one of the kidnappers.

Unpredictable Characters: Every prominent character in the film is unpredictable. This made the screenplay even more interesting.

Final Twist: This is when everyone knows that Raja was the one who trapped Priya and not the other way round.
The film starts at Priya’s perspective and ends at Raja’s perspective.

Conflicts: Sujeeth(Director) used multiple conflicts at different stages of the story like
 Convincing Priya’s father.
 Dileep using Raja as the trump card to catch the kidnapper’s
 Revealing that Priya traps Raja to escape the engagement set up by her father.
 Revealing that Raja is the real kidnapper