A girl always looks up to her father. She sees a friend, a brother, a support system in her father. A father to loves his daughter with all his heart. He acts like an anchor when she needs him to be. A relation between a father and daughter always stand to be eternal and beautiful.

Nuvve Nuvve is one such film which depicts how a father takes care of his daughter, and how a daughter yearns for the love of her father. Trivikram Srinivas, director and writer for this film, showed Anjali as a pretty and a lovely girl who loves her father, and Vishwanath, an overcaring father who would give his world for his daughter.

There are many scenes where we can encounter how much Vishwanath loves Anjali. He buys an ice-cream parlour when she asks for an ice-cream. He also makes sure that his day ends with him talking to his beloved daughter. While many people bias towards their sons, Vishwanath opens up wide opportunities to his daughter. Not only as a businessman but also as a father he is outstanding. Talking about Anjali, she is cute and sweet. She loves her father so much to the extent where she informs him even when she goes to a bookstore, not leaving even a minor detail. She likes to talk to her father for hours and hours. Such a beautiful bond gets a break when Anjali falls in love with her college senior Rishi, a middle class, happy-go-lucky guy. She lies to her father for the first time for the sake of her love. Vishwanath, however being a millionaire and over-protective of his daughter finds out about Rishi.

Trivikram characterised Rishi as a fun-loving simple guy, Anjali as daddy’s girl, Vishwanath to be an over-protective millionaire. But as story advances, we can clearly see the depth in each role and how each character reacts to the situations. We will be impressed by Rishi’s thinking and how he handles matters. The way Trivikram added sensuality to his care-free nature while handling serious issues, amazes the audience. Showing Anjali as a girl who is crushed between her possessive father and her darling lover, Trivikram did a wonderful job. Although Vishwanath happens to be a villain to the story, the writing of the film justifies his actions and shows that whatever he does is out of love for his daughter. Trivikram moulded Vishwanath’s character towards the end by adding emotions besides pragmatism to his role.

Though Rishi comes in between Anjali and Vishwanath, distancing them for quite some time, the bond being strong, pulls them together again. Vishwanath gives up his obstinate nature for his daughter. There is a point where Anjali decides to choose her father over her lover too. That enduring and inseparable are fathers and daughters. Vishwanath shows his soft side only to Anjali just like Anjali being bubbly only around Vishwanath. This surely proves that the bond between a father and daughter is pure and eternal.