Synopsis :
The Dark Knight is a 2008 superhero film directed, produced, and co-written by Christopher Nolan. Based on the DC Comics character Batman, the film is the second installment of The Dark Knight Trilogy and a sequel to Batman Begins of 2005, starring Christian Bale and supported by Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Morgan Freeman. In the film, Bruce Wayne / Batman (Bale), Police Lieutenant James Gordon (Oldman) and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Eckhart) form an alliance to dismantle organized crime in Gotham City, but are menaced by an anarchistic mastermind known as the Joker (Ledger), who seeks to undermine Batman’s influence and throw the city into anarchy. You will definitely love that cat and mouse game with a dark theme. So don’t miss how rest of the story goes.
Why is joker is more popular than batman?
“The Joker reveals to batman that his real plan was to engineer the fall of Gotham’s White Knight, Harvey Dent, since that would introduce much more chaos when a good man like Dent is shown descending into chaos and evil. This scene is my favourite. In fact in my opinion this scene is one of the main reasons why Joker is more popular.
There are so many scenes by which we will be impressed by the joker. The interrogation scene with the batman is the goosebumps stuff. In that scene the joker was brutally beaten by the batman but the attitude of joker is ultimately high.
Christopher Nolan is undoubtedly one of the best directors in Hollywood. He is best known for his cerebral,often non-linear story telling,acclaimed writing and direction. Interstellar, inception ,recently Tenent shows the capability of Christopher Nolan. The Trilogy of Dark knight by Christopher Nolan,Shows us the real world approach on the comic created character Batman. Nolan Actually showed the Batman in a different perspective that was new to the comic fans, the 3 movies shows the journey of batman how he evolves in every story. The three movies reflect the Beginning, fall and rise of batman So The Dark Knight (2008) is about the fall of batman.
Cast and Characters:
As a superheroes fan I watch a lot of superhero movies. But when it comes to the Dark Knight, everyone was impressed by the super villain the legendary character “Joker”, including me!
When joker comes in my mind the only person I can imagine is Heath Ledger. His role as the Joker in The Dark Knight earned him universal acclaim and popularity from fans and critics alike. Ledger also received numerous posthumous accolades for his performance in The Dark Knight, including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, a Best Actor International Award at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards, the 2008 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor, the 2009 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture,and the 2009 BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actor. And our main hero Christian Bale as batman(Bruce Wayne) nailed his performance. So many actors played batman role but Christian was the only person who justified the batman role.
Wally pfister is not only a great cinematographer but also a great director. So he knew how to understand the director’s imagination and he succeeded. The Dark Knight is in fact the literal darkness of much of the movie. Not in terms of narrative or thematic tone at this point, more the actual predominance of darkness on screen. A lot of times it can be hard to tell what is on screen or where a character ends and a shadow begins because the shot will be of a man, wearing black, at night. There’s not a lot of light in a shot like that. A movie such as There Will Be Blood managed to make shots both dark and clear a real feat of good cinematography and the crisp look didn’t deplete the film of it’s power at all. Literal cinematic darkness in service of theme is really just as much a fallacy as the darkness fallacy is itself.Clearly in The Dark Knight the cinematography is intended to enhance the point of the movie overall.
James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer gave their best, when it comes to music.There are elements of the soundtrack that are in-your-face, to fit with the action moments in the film, but for every blast of the horn there is a subtle violin somewhere in the score. The first three tracks of the soundtrack are so drastically different and represent our three main protagonists themes perfectly. “Why So Serious?” is a demonic and serious Joker theme riddle with quiet moments that pulse with bass, while “I’m Not a Hero” focuses on Batman and includes elements from the Begins score to help not only bring familiarity to the character, but to also remind us that this is the same man from the first film.
Final verdict:
This movie is still consider as gold standard of superhero movie to look as example for many fans as we can’t complain much about that. Every single aspect of this movie is beyond spectacular like acting, story, characters, anything you name it. Heath ledger had to face so much criticism when he was casted as the clown Prince of Gotham, but he just silenced every single one by putting up a top notch performance in this movie we can simply say that he is a perfect antagonist to protagonist.
The movie’s first Act goes in a well maintained pace as the story gives the audience idea about the changes from the previous Batman Begins(2005) How gotham has changed and the second act picks up its pace in a Flash. the Part of Batman and joker is like a cat and mouse game through out the movie. Another integral part which is its music which is done by the maestro Hans Zimmer, this movie has one of the electrifying Background scores ever especially the chase scene and towards the ending the Bgm is like perfection at its best. This movie is not just for any kind of fans or anything..if you’re a movie lover then never ever miss this Chris Nolan saga.