Sekhar Kammula is known for amazing, simple, yet realistic films. His direction is outstanding and his stories are ideal as well as lovely. His films have meaning and help the audience explore themselves. One such film is Happy Days. Peeking into the reality of Engineering lives of students and depicting that friendship is one thing which is worth fighting for, is what this movie does.
Friendship is one such relation which helps people grow. A family may not be friendly, but surely friends can be family. Everyone needs a friend to be by their side, be it in their happy times or the sad ones. Everyone ought to have a friend to whom they matter and who matters to them. Just like how not all that glitters ain’t gold, every person might not be a good friend. “Happy Days” give examples of what friends in general face, how to be a better friend and how friends support and mend each other.
Happy Days revolves around eight friends who joined an Engineering college to pursue a degree. All these eight people have varied opinions and different perspectives. However, they get along. They fight together and learn life lessons together. They may be separated by their mentalities, but they are bonded by “friendship”. This is what friendship does.
Though Pandu was hesitant and was scared about his slang, Chandu helped him. He supported Pandu and stood by him when needed. Isn’t this what friends do? When Shankar was manipulated and made to make a wrong choice, Rajesh found a way to accept him. Tyson found a way to forgive him. Even though Shankar betrayed them, they gave him the strength he needed. They never left his side even in his darkest times. This is another way how Happy Days defined friendship. And there were times Tyson carried everyone’s bags. There were times Madhu took care of them when they were injured. There were times when they teamed and fought against the seniors.
They weren’t good friends from the start. They made each other better. Chandu was reluctant to help Pandu at the very beginning. But he chose to help anyway. They mended each other’s ways. Shankar moulded into a good person, not just a good friend, towards the end. Rajesh being a carefree, arrogant boy turned out to be a stable and understanding friend. Tyson being a selfless friend, learnt to stand for himself towards the end. Madhu being headstrong, changes to be a patient girl. Each other made themselves grow even though they had their imperfections.
Without any vulgarity or heroism, this film leaves a wonderful remark in people’s hearts. They say good friends help each other, but it is no good or bad in friendship. There is learning, growing and evolving. There is always making each other better. What many say is Happy Days rose expectations towards Engineering life. But what Happy Day did is it showed how friends make four years of Engineering seem to be very short and worth living.