How long has it been, we have watched something that touched our hearts and made our eyes tearful and gave a good laugh too? This is that compilation of short segments by different famous actors, directors and cinematographers that makes us sit tight and feel every emotion we wanted. I would say, if someone has bottled up too much of emotions and wants to let it out, this is the right movie to watch with a hot cocoa in hand cuddled up in a blanket. The pandemic has taken its toll on our relationships and various feelings in us, so much that we had our second thoughts about fixing the broken relationships and coming alive with our emotional life. This compilation of 5 segments, reflects on mere people’s emotions so much that it gets surreal at one point.
Restarting one’s life is a task, when it comes to old age. Everything seems new and it gets scary to ask for acceptance from very important people in their life. But, yes, it can still happen when there is right amount of love that sweeps one of their feet and yet put sense in one’s head. And it can happen at the most unexpected time, to make us believe in this mere life, sometimes having a right company to have chai or someone who makes your kind of chai, is all we want. The first segment “Ilamai Idho Idho” starring Urvashi and Jayaram as older versions and Kalidas and Kalyani Priyadarshani as their younger selves is something about it. The latter get stuck together, when their 2-day get away turns into a 21-day lockdown. It particularly doesn’t give a message but reflects on people who have been alone and were experiencing lockdown since ages. And how everything around gets happy and clear when there is company of their favourite.

There are many who have had great memories with their grandparents and have made their entire lives get affected with their nurturing and there is equal amount of people, who have lacked that nurture, because of different reasons. This lockdown has given an amazing opportunity to a lot like them, to reconnect with their grandparents. There may not be a proper relationship since the beginning but its never too late to rekindle something that might be gone forever. The bond may not be stronger but the process to make things normal is always beautiful. One doesn’t have to be critical when it comes to grandparents because all they want is two things- for us to listen and to talk to them. I know many might say what is even there to talk when there hasn’t been anything since years, but hey, they want to know what is Instagram and how our zoom meetings go and how router needs to be fixed. The second segment “Avarum Naanum – Avalum Naanum” reflects on this simple yet a heavy relationship between a thatha starred by MS Bhasker and his kanna starred by Ritu Varma who comes home to help him out in the 21-day lockdown.

Bonding amongst sisters is something that is magical. It just happens and everything with them is effortless. We have someone to guide, and the other has someone to teach new things and evolve with the world. But when life happens and people grow, the distance comes into picture and the touch goes away. It gets tricky at one point, because we merely know what is happening in our siblings’ lives and we don’t know most of the time what might go right or wrong. And then oldage hits our parents real hard. Everything seems hazy because the ones who guided us, is now in trouble and slowing slipping away in the labyrinth of life. There comes the power of these siblings who can hold us altogether, and help each other out of this foggy situation. The third segment “Coffee, anyone?” is something about this. Starring Suhasini, Shruti Haasan and Anu Charuhasan as siblings, this segment is about reuniting at their parents’ place to find a solution for their mother who has been in coma since a time. They get emotionally attached to their mother who can barely move and respond and suddenly one day she gets into her senses.

There are few relationships which remain in our life as incomplete. They seem like they could have happened but while growing apart with time, they just slip away and one can never make time to get back to them and complete them. Years pass by and one day when you meet them, you just feel like, why didn’t you ever make a move or acted upon being in touch with them. Maybe having that feeling is part of adulting. We have our amazing friendships and first crushes in school and with time, we just forget or just move on with life. But when we meet them and realise that we never gave a thought about talking to them is something adulting gifts us with its too many negatives. The fourth segment “Reunion” is about two friends who meet accidentally at one of their homes. Starring Andrea Jeramiah, Leela Samson and Gurucharan is about one friend who stays with her friend and his mother when the 21- day lockdown is announced. She comes out as a drug addict and her friend and mother help her out in her emotional breakdown state.

And there comes the ultimate relationship and this one is with beliefs and morals. It’s the most testing relationship I suppose as it needs constant validation and rechecking with the reality in order to stick to those beliefs. And there comes the next step our morals. This tests our conscience as it keeps bugging us with the question what is right and wrong. So, to find a way people believe in faith and future because when present seems uncertain future is where we look at (irony much) and wait for a miracle to happen in life. The last segment is about 2 thieves who get bored of lockdown and want to catch hold of real good luck aka huge amount of money. After a baba’s preaching, these 2 thieves go and search for money and end up in a director’s office. The tire that they steal is left at his office in a plight situation. Turns out that the director finds money in the tire, and the baba loses few millions and these thieves are left with nothing.