Direction/Screenplay: Jeethu Joseph(Director) effective direction makes the movie one of the “Best Thrillers”. He reveals the story in layers as it prolongs, which grabs the audience attention. Jeethuintelligently slows down the pace of the movie when it’s required to make sure the viewer is thrilled in the forthcoming sequence.
Strong Characters: Both the protagonist and the antagonist have strong characters who are constantly haunted by their past that turns them into a completely different person altogether, but they vary completely in dealing with the situation. 
Sam Alex Character Arc:  Sam Alex (Ex-Cop) who seeks redemption through alcohol for the unexpected tragic incidents that took place in his life to exponentially getting back to the normal state through the investigation makes his character arc one of the best.
Prithviraj: Prithviraj gives immense life and believability to the role throughout the movie with his exceptional acting skills. Through the subtle eye moments and body language, he delivers extraordinary performance at ease.
Technical Departments: Sujith Vasudev’s exemplary camera movements give a different feel to the narrative. Anil Johnson excels with his background scores. Johnkutty’s fine cuts and intelligent pacing makes it an engaging thriller.